Mure Farquhar ROBERTSON
Rank | Reg/Ser No | DOB | Enlisted | Discharge/Death | Board |
Gunner | 31918 | 27y9m | 21 Aug 1916 | 18 Sep 1919 | 4 |
Gunner Mure Farquhar Robertson
(1888 - 1950)
Family background and early life
Mure Farquhar Robertson was born in Brisbane on 21 November 1888. His father was Mure Hunter Robertson, Queensland Government Auditor-General and his mother was Mrs Janet Williamson Robertson (nee Sim). They lived in Brighton Road, South Brisbane and the family attended Saint Andrew’s Presbyterian Church where his father was an Elder.
While attending Brisbane Grammar School during the years 1903 to 1905, Mure Farquhar Roberston was a member of the School Cadet Corps. He gained passes in the Junior Public Examination, set by the University of Sydney, in English, History, Geography, Arithmetic and Physiology.
Mure Farquhar Roberston was a Bank Officer in Brisbane when he enlisted to serve in the Military Forces of the Commonwealth of Australia beyond the limits of the Commonwealth on 21 August 1916. He was 27 years 9 months old, single and living at his South Brisbane home with his parents. His service number was 31918 and he joined with the 8th Reinforcements, 9th Field Artillery Brigade, departing from Sydney on RMS Osterley on 10 February 1917 and disembarking at Plymouth, England on 11 April 1917.
In August 1917 Gunner Robertson was transferred to the 3rd Field Artillery Brigade serving in France and Belgium. He was wounded in action in October 1918 and returned to Australia in 1919.
Post war
Mure Farquhar Robertson married Matilda Agnes Nessie Thorburn, daughter of Mr H. N. Thorburn, Solicitor of Bundaberg. Mure Farquhar Robertson was the Manager of the Bundaberg branch of the Bank of New South Wales when he died in March 1950 while in a Brisbane hospital following an operation.
He was actively associated with Legacy, the Returned Soldiers’ League and sporting bodies in Bundaberg. He was survived by his wife who lived till the year 1975 and a daughter.
Memorial stained glass window
A stained glass window entitled “Ruth and Naomi” in Saint Andrew’s Uniting Church is in memory of Mure Farquhar Robertson and his parents, Mure Hunter Robertson and Janet Robertson. The artist was William Bustard of Extons Studio in Brisbane. Mure Farquhar Robertson died unexpectedly during its construction. The inscription reads:
“Erected by their children, James, William, Mure and Anne and also in loving memory of Mure Farquhar Robertson 1888 – 1950”.
Compiled by Noel Adsett 2014 ©
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