Archibald Hewland RAYMOND
Rank | Reg/Ser No | DOB | Enlisted | Discharge/Death | Board |
Captain | 4 Apr 1893 21y4m | 1914 | 3 Mar 1917 KA | 5 |
Archibald Hewland Raymond
Family Background
Archie Raymond was born on 4 April 1893, son of Alfred John and Jessie Catherine Raymond née Shearer. Archie was one of nine children from this marriage and they had a step-brother from Mr Raymond’s first marriage. They lived at Clifton at Kangaroo Point, a large wooden house built by Mr Raymond, a timber merchant and builder. Two of the children died in infancy and another died of infantile paralysis. Mr Alfred Raymond was an Alderman for many years, involved in the planning of Brisbane’s new city hall to replace the Brisbane Town Hall then in Queen Street. He served as Mayor in 1912. In addition to his civic duties and his business, he was an active participant in the Congregational Church at Wharf Street where he was a Deacon. He also served as President of the Queensland Congregational Union.
Education & Enrolment in the AIF
Archie who completed his education at the Southport High School was well known in rowing and tennis circles. He passed as a Sub-Lieutenant in the field artillery some time before war was declared. Having passed his final examination and received his commission as a Lieutenant, he was among the first to volunteer for overseas service in the Australian Imperial Force. He was drafted to the 3rd Field Artillery Brigade in Adelaide and embarked with his unit in the 1st Division from Adelaide on HMAT Medic on 20 October 1914. He served all through the Gallipoli campaign and was transferred to France in April 1916 where for meritorious service he was promoted to Captain before attaining his 23rd birthday.
Killed in Action
Captain Archibald Hewland Raymond, 2nd Field Artillery Brigade and at the time attached to an ammunition column was killed in action on 3 March 1917.
At a court of inquiry following his death, comrades submitted short statements. Driver J Summersgill, a patient at an Australian General Hospital at Boulogne in January 1918 wrote, “He was killed at Flers. I did not see it but was told it occurred when he was going up with the guns with Lt Miller. I was at his funeral. He was buried at Mametz Mil Cem1 and the padre took the service.”
Driver R Hearn, 1st Division Australian Camp at Rouelles informed the inquiry, “I knew Captain Raymond by sight. I don’t know which Brigade he was in. He was tall, clean shaven, somewhere about 30. I saw his grave near Mametz – we went and looked at it – it had a cross on it with his name. I don’t remember any more details.”
Mother's letter
Writing from Archie’s family home, Clifton at River Terrace, Kangaroo Point on 11 June 1920, his mother, Mrs Jessie Raymond made a heartfelt plea:
“I am writing to ask you if I am privileged to receive the Gallipoli Star which is being issued at present – in place of my son (Captain A H Raymond AFA) who was killed in action. He enlisted in August 1914 and was at Anzac and afterwards in France.
I would treasure the star very very much if I were privileged to have one – I am not sure whether it is only issued to soldiers or whether the next-of-kin is entitled to one if their soldier has fallen.
Thanking you for an early reply I remain,
yours faithfully,
Mrs Jessie C Raymond.”
Awards & Memorial
Archie’s archived records show his Gallipoli Star was issued, along with the British War Medal and the Victory Medal. A newspaper article soon after Captain Raymond’s death paid tribute to this brave young man. It concluded,
“He served his country continuously for two years and seven months before the Higher Call came.”
Archie was an Old Boy of The Southport School. An extract from The Southportonian of 1921 states:
“The Chapel was built as a permanent memorial of the self sacrifice of all those 300 Old Boys who gave, some their lives, and all their services, to the Empire and Country in the hour of greatest need. Standing at the side of the Sports Ground the St Alban's Memorial Chapel is a beautiful and fitting tribute to the Old Southportonians who obeyed the call of their country in its darkest hour of need. It was realised in 1915 that a large number of Old Southportonians had gone to the Front, and it was considered that a Memorial should be erected in their honour."
Prepared by Noel E. Adsett, Brisbane, May 2015 © Updated March 2017 ©
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